Dowd Mechanical Heating & Air Conditioning Blog

How UV Air Purifiers Help a Home’s Air Quality

You aren’t the only person who wants to know if an air purifier can help you clean out pollutants from your indoor air. Homeowners today have greater concerns about indoor air quality than ever before, and HVAC professionals like us can offer air purifiers in Bensalem, PA that make a difference. And, yes, whole-house air purification systems can make a significant difference for indoor air quality. You’ll need the…
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How UV Air Purifiers Help a Home’s Air Quality - Dowd HVAC

Why You Aren’t Getting Enough Hot Water From Your Water Heater

When your home’s water heater can no longer deliver the amount of hot water you need on a daily basis, your life will get far more difficult. As long as a water heater was correctly sized when it was installed, it shouldn’t have any difficulty meeting the daily requirements of a household. When the hot water volume starts to drop, it warns that something is wrong that will require…
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Why You Aren’t Getting Enough Hot Water From Your Water Heater - Dowd HVAC

Why Your AC Is Tripping the Circuit Breaker

When you set the thermostat for your air conditioning system to cool the house, you expect the AC to turn on and do its job. But what if the air conditioner does come on—but soon after, if not immediately, it shuts down? If you know the basic troubleshooting steps in this situation, you’ll go to the house’s electrical panel to see if the AC’s circuit breaker has tripped. If…
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Why Your AC Is Tripping the Circuit Breaker - Dowd HVAC

Why Air Filters Often Need Pairing With Air Purifiers

If you’re looking to have cleaner air in your house—and more people are concerned about this than ever before—you have several options. Most people usually think of having special whole-house air filters installed. These filters need professionals to plumb them into the ductwork (the filter that’s already in place on the HVAC system isn’t for air cleaning purposes). Filters are an excellent method for improving indoor air quality, and…
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Why Air Filters Often Need Pairing With Air Purifiers

Why an AC Can Start to Leak Water

Air conditioning systems use the circulation of refrigerant in a closed loop to cool down a house: cold refrigerant evaporates along the indoor coil to absorb heat, and hot refrigerant releases that heat to the outdoors. We provided that short description of how an AC works to show you that water doesn’t play a part in cooling down the conditioned air you get from your home’s air conditioner. And…
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Why an AC Can Start to Leak Water - Dowd HVAC

The Difference Between a Whole-Home Air Filter and an HVAC Air Filter

If you looked at the title of this post and thought, “Wait, aren’t those the same thing?”, then we recommend you read further. Homeowners are often confused about their options when it comes to getting air filters and air purifiers to improve their household indoor air quality. It often starts with mistaking the job of the standard filter that’s part of the HVAC system—also called the “furnace filter” or…
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The Difference Between a Whole-Home Air Filter and an HVAC Air Filter - Dowd HVAC

Watch for These Warning Signs Your Water Heater Needs Repairs

You never want a water heater malfunction to catch you by surprise. This could mean having to go without a hot shower in the morning, and that’s one of the worst ways to start your day. You can’t predict all water heater troubles, but the good news is that you can anticipate many of them. All it takes is knowing what warning signs you need to watch for and…
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Dowd HVAC - Air Conditioning Installation Services

How Cool Can My AC Make My Home?

As we continue with preparations for the arrival of warm weather, we’d like to address a question we often hear from customers: “How cool can an AC make my home?” People often look at the BTUs of an air conditioner, which is a measurement of how many units of heat an AC unit can remove from a house per hour, as an indication of the air conditioner’s cooling power.…
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How Cool Can My AC Make My Home? - Dowd HVAC

Ready for Warmer Weather? Make Sure Your AC Is as Well!

Are you starting to feel the warmer weather? It’s officially spring now, and although we don’t have any guarantees that there won’t be a cold snap in April (which can be a disappointing month), we’re definitely on the movement toward the summer and the time when our ACs will start their regular mid-year duties. We know you’re probably ready for warm weather. But have you asked yourself if your…
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Ready for Warmer Weather? Make Sure Your AC Is as Well! - Dowd HVAC

How Your Home’s Ducts Can Pickpocket You

At this moment, you might have a sneaky thief crawling about your home, maybe in the attic, maybe hiding in the walls. This thief won’t carry off your most valuable possessions, but it will lift money from your pocket bit by bit so that it can add up to hundreds of dollars over a year. This thief can even cause other damage to your house without you knowing about…
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How Your Home’s Ducts Can Pickpocket You - Dowd HVAC


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